Bludička (album)
Released: 2023 / Album art: Jiří Dvorský
Mix / Mastering / Production: Broněk Šmid
Recording: Broněk Šmid
1. Brána podsvětí
2. Stezka snů
3. Nesplněná touha
4. Bludička
5. Slib, že budeš má
6. Ohnivý tanec
7. Poslední přání
8. Tam, kde snívám já
9. Na dunách
10. Odcházení

Souboj princů (single)
Released: 2023 / Album art: Lukáš Vašut
Mix / Mastering : Bronislav Šmid
1. Souboj princů / Lyrics: Kristýna Dostálová / Music: Kristýna Dostálová

Spellbound (singl)
Released: 2020 / Album art: Jiří Dvorský
Mix / Mastering / Produkce: Bronislav Šmid
Recording: Dušan Souček (studio Indies)
1. Spellbound / Lyrics: Michael Clemente / Music: Linda Ravenna text
You can listen to the single “Spellbound” for free on our YouTube channel or on various streaming platforms. By purchasing this single, you will support the activities of our organization. All profits from sales will be used to create new music videos and recordings. Thank you for your support.

Bílá vrána (album)
Bílá vrána (album)
Released: 2016 / Album art: Jiří Dvorský
Mix / Mastering: Roman Kašník (studio Reset)
You can listen to the album “Bílá vrána” for free on our YouTube channel or on various streaming platforms. By purchasing this single, you will support the activities of our organization. All profits from sales will be used to create new music videos and recordings. Thank you for your support.
1. Olívie / Lyrics: Lenka Jančová text
2. Rudé pláně / Lyrics: Petr Daněk text
3. Víla / Lyrics: Lenka Jančová text
4. Chci tančit / Lyrics: Petr Daněk text
5. Atlantida / Lyrics: Petr Daněk text
6. Můj pane / Lyrics: Lenka Jančová text
7. Bílá vrána / Lyrics: Linda Ravenna text
8. Vítr / Lyrics: Lenka Jančová text
9. Kráčí nocí / Lyrics: Petr Daněk text
10. Bitva o Mníšek / Lyrics and music: Bára Kuncová, Pavel Dobeš text

Atlantida (EP)
Released: 2013 / Album art: Marek Budík
Mix / Mastering: Jakub Straka
You can listen to the EP “Atlantida” for free on our YouTube channel or on various streaming platforms. By purchasing this single, you will support the activities of our organization. All profits from sales will be used to create new music videos and recordings. Thank you for your support.